Ângela Reis
Angela de Castro Reis is a professor at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), teaching both at the undergraduate and graduate Theatre Education programs (PPGEAC). She is also an actress and a Brazilian theatre researcher. She holds a Master´s and doctorate degrees in Drama from UNIRIO (Brazil) and a Post-Doctorate from the University of Aveiro (Portugal). She has worked at the INACEN Research Division (currently FUNARTE), and also as a drama teacher at Casa das Artes de Laranjeiras (CAL, Rio de Janeiro), at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA, Salvador, Bahia) graduate and undergraduate theatre courses and at UNIRIO post-graduate program in Performing Arts (PPGAC). Her published books include A tradição viva em cena: Eva Todor na Companhia Eva e seus artistas [The living tradition on stage: Eva Todor at the Eva Theatre Company and its artists] (Sete Letras, 2013), and Lembrança gravada: atores e atrizes nos logradouros do Rio [Recorded remembrances: actors and actresses in Rio´s public places](Folha Seca, 2016). She also co-edited, along with Maria Helena Werneck, the book Rotas de Teatro entre Portugal e Brasil [Theatre Routes between Portugal and Brazil] (Sete Letras, 2013).